Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Statistics: It’ll Be Okay
with Nathan Jenkinson, Lay Leader

Definitely just an average service. Nathan Jenkinson will use his master's degree in data analytics to help us parse where and how data can be utilized to inform our beliefs and worldviews. Join us as we analyze how numbers are used to influence ourselves and others.

Masks are optional. Wellness is a priority.
Please stay home if you're sick.



On Connectedness
by Rev. Scott Rudolph

In 1820 in Boston, Unitarian minister William Ellery Channing said, “Religion, we are told, is a private, personal thing, between the individual and God. His neighbor or the community must not meddle with it… I would maintain that religion is eminently a social principle… The social character of religion is not sufficiently regarded.”

As Unitarian Universalists, fundamental to how…


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Diverse Beliefs,
One Fellowship

Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations draw on elements of a variety of religious traditions, as well as humanitarian and environmental values, for our spiritual inspiration and practice. As such, UUs have a diversity of beliefs, and may identify as humanists, atheists, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, pagan, something else, or nothing at all. As we celebrate this diversity, we also have a set of core beliefs that unite us. 


All People are
Welcome Here

We welcome you with kindness, love, acceptance, and empathy. We welcome you into our community by offering a wide variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship. We invite you to explore our website and discover what Unitarian Universalism is all about, who we are, how to get involved in our activities, and what it's like to visit us on a Sunday. We look forward to meeting you!