
One of the goals of the Social Justice Steering Team is to give everyone associated with UUFCO the opportunity to take part in social justice work. We estimate that close to half of our congregation already does something for our social justice program over the course of a year. From helping serve dinners at Bethlehem Inn, to creating Fireflies holiday Jars of Joy, to tutoring students needing extra support, or many other small, and large, ways of advancing our social justice program. For those who have not yet jumped in, it’s important that you know how you can contribute if you are able.

The first step is to know what the principal components of the social justice program at UUFCO are, who to contact for information about each group, and how to get involved. If you are unable to get involved, we encourage you to still read about the various programs and give it some thought for a time in your life that you feel you may be able.

Social Justice Programs

Click on any program name to learn more and get involved! We’d be lucky to have you on our team!

What is the Social Justice Hub?

The Social Justice Hub is a subcommittee designed to support the health, effectiveness, and balance of the overall social justice program and communication between the various programs and the congregation. Social justice work at UUFCO is coordinated by the Social Justice Steering Team. This team is comprised of a representative of each social justice program, along with the minister, and a few additional members with interest in social justice.

SJ Hub participate fully in discussions within the Steering Team and have special roles in:

•  Making recommendations to the Steering Team concerning allocations of funds

•  Making recommendations to the Steering Team after guiding potential new or expanded projects

•  Monitoring and supporting the overall social justice program by:

1)Providing information to the congregation about the social justice program

2)Soliciting input from the congregation about ongoing or potential new SJ work

3) Making recommendations to the Steering Team about modifications or the termination of an SJ project.

In each of these areas SJ Hub receives comments from the Social Justice Team to take under advisement, but final decisions are the responsibility of the SJ Hub.

If you see a need with another direction and want to get that project started at UUFCO, don’t hesitate to make a proposal! Start by reviewing the Procedure to Form a New Social Justice Program.  Then email our Social Justice Hub at sjhub@uufco.org.

All Social Justice programs receive funding through the UUFCO budget and through the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative. For detailed instructions on how to easily turn your empty bottles and cans into dollars and cents for social justice initiatives, please review our recycling guide.

To contact the Social Justice Chair, please use the button at the right. We can’t wait to serve along side you!