Path to Membership
Meaning of Membership
We view membership as entering into a covenant with us — a mutual promise of inclusion and respect for all people, and a commitment to support the fellowship both physically and financially. It is also a willingness to become a part of what William Ellery Channing called "the great family of all souls."
Finding Information
If you're a newcomer, be sure to stop by our kiosk in the Pete Seeger Gathering Hall before or after the worship service. Friendly greeters will answer your questions, and provide other information about UUFCO. You may also fill out a visitor information form, sign up for a name tag, and learn about upcoming membership-related classes.
UUFCO Exploration Classes
If you're enjoying Sunday mornings and wondering how to get more involved in UUFCO, please join us for our UUFCO Exploration class series (schedule will be posted at the kiosk). In this two-session classes, we provide a brief history of our Fellowship and how it has evolved into the vibrant community it is today—full of rich opportunities to nourish the soul and heal the world through service projects, "Good Times" activities, and various committees which channel the spirit of who we are. Prior registration is required. Sign up at the kiosk in the Gathering Hall or email our team.
New Member Ceremony
New Members after welcoming ceremony