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Religious Education for Children and Youth
Disruptive Behavior

Policy on Religious Education for Children and Youth

Updated June 13, 2019

In the context of a safe, nurturing, intergenerational community the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon supports the spiritual development of its children and youth based on UU values. This mission is promoted by teaching and modeling:

  • Respect for diversity of ideas and religious traditions

  • Respect for the worth and dignity of each person

  • Service to the community

  • Good stewardship of the earth 

 A Religious Exploration Team shall work with the Director of Religious Exploration to oversee the Fellowship’s religious exploration program. A background check on all teachers and childcare providers is required annually. The results of the background check must be satisfactory with the hiring authority in accordance with the position being offered. UUFCO shall use a background screening service approved by our insurance company.

The Childcare Handbook will be maintained by the Director of Religious Exploration which will provide information regarding childcare providers, parental responsibilities, health, safety and discipline policies.

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Policy on Firearms

Updated July 13, 2017

UUFCO prohibits the presence of firearms in the church building or on the grounds with the exception of on-duty law enforcement officers and certified, board-approved security personnel. 

Violation of this policy will result in directing the offending party to remove the firearm from the premises and/or calling law enforcement for assistance. 

A second violation of this policy will trigger our disruptive behavior policy. 

Policy on Disruptive Behavior

Updated August 9, 2018

This policy provides a procedure to be followed in the event a congregation member, friend, or guest who is on church premises, or is engaged in a church activity, behaves in a manner that is disruptive to the orderly conduct of congregational business or is threatening to the safety of persons or property.  

Disruptive behavior includes 

  • Perceived threats to the safety of any adult or child 

  • The disruption of church activities 

  • Perceived threats to the church facility or grounds 

  • Behavior so offensive that it prevents the participation of others in church activities 

Other intra church conflict will be managed in a respectful manner according to the UUFCO Relational Covenant. 

If an immediate response to the conduct is required, action shall be taken by 

  • The minister, if present, or 

  • Any board member, if present, or 

  • Any church member witnessing the offending conduct 

The action taken shall be appropriate to the circumstances causing the disruption and may include, but is not limited, to the following 

  • Asking the offending person(s) to leave or desist from his/her offending behavior 

  • Suspending the meeting or activity until such time as it can be safely resumed 

  • In case of immediate danger, confronting the offender(s) physically if necessary 

  • If the offending person(s) refuses to leave or cannot be controlled, call police. 

If action is taken by anyone other than the minister or president of the board, then the minister or president of the board shall be notified of the problem and some action taken at the earliest reasonable opportunity. A record should be made of notification to church leaders. 

If appropriate, a letter shall be sent by the minister to the offending party or parties within five working days of the incident with an explanation of what must be done by the offender(s) to rectify the problem caused by the disruptive behavior. If the offensive conduct does not require immediate action, the matter shall be referred to an appropriate committee or individual appointed by the board president for the purpose of investigating the incident 

The committee or individual shall investigate the alleged incident and conduct in any manner deemed reasonable to ascertain the facts surrounding the incident, and use their own judgment observing the following: 

The response will be to problems as they arise.  There will be no attempt to define “acceptable” behavior in advance. 
Persons identified as disruptive will be dealt with as individuals.  Stereotypes will be avoided. 
All necessary information will be collected. 
To aid in evaluating the problem, these points will be considered: 
Dangerousness – Is the individual(s) the source of a threat or perceived threat to persons or property? 
Disruptiveness – How much interference with church functions is going on? 
Offensiveness – How likely is it that prospective or existing members will be driven away? 

To determine the necessary response, these points will be considered: 

Causes – why is the disruption occurring? Conflict within the church? A condition of mental illness? 
History – Has there been a history of this or similar disruptive incidents in the past? 
Probability of change—How likely is it that the problem behavior will diminish? 

After making its investigation, the individual or committee shall take one of the following steps: 

Inform the minister of the disruptive conduct and either the minister or the appointed person or committee member shall meet with the offending individual(s) to discuss the incident and to give the individual(s) a written copy of the findings of the investigation. 

The offending individual(s) shall be excluded from the church and/or specific church activities for a limited period of time with an explanation for the action and conditions of reinstatement set forth in writing. The investigating party or committee may meet with the offending party or parties personally or may notify them by mail of the decision. 

Any action taken under either of steps (1) or (2) may be appealed to the Board of Trustees within 30 days of the meeting or mailing of the written notice of the action taken. 

The offending party or parties may be permanently excluded from the church premises and all church activities. Before this sanction is imposed the investigator shall consult with the minister and the Board of Trustees. If it is determined that expulsion shall occur, a letter shall be sent by the minister to the offending party or parties explaining the reason for the expulsion. If the offending party being excluded is a member of UUFCO, they shall also be removed from UUFCO membership if expelled. 

The individual or committee may recommend that no action be taken in which case the party or parties shall be notified in writing of such decision. 

Policy on Harassment

Updated October 13, 2016

Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated in the Fellowship. Any victim of alleged harassment should report such events to any member of the Board or the Minister immediately upon occurrence. The Board, or the Board’s designee(s), shall investigate as thoroughly as practical, the validity and the seriousness of the accusation.  

If the investigation indicates that a significant act or pattern of harassment has taken place, the offending person may be requested by the Board, in writing, to abstain from further attendance at Fellowship functions. As harassment can be understood as a type of disruptive behavior, see the “disruptive behavior” policy for more details on the process to be followed. 

In the particular case of sexual harassment, the sexual harassment policy found in the personnel manual shall be understood to apply to any participants in UUFCO activities, not just to paid employees of UUFCO.