To view specific policy, click on the text below. Use back-to-top button to return to this index. Click here to return to the primary Governance page.

Policy on Safety

Updated: November 8, 2018

The church building and grounds are owned by UUFCO, and the fellowship has assumed full responsibility for its safe operation and maintenance. 

The facility and grounds shall be managed and maintained at all times in a manner that preserves the safety and security of the building, its equipment and furnishings, the Congregation, Staff, and all other occupants. 

Safety concerns shall be brought to the attention of staff. 

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Policy on Alcohol

Updated: June 21, 2022


UUFCO limits alcohol allowed on the premises to non-spirit beverages (wine, beer, cider, etc.).  This shall apply to all events where UUFCO provides liability coverage, regardless of who is hosting or renting. For renters who provide their own liability insurace that covers that additional risks of serving hard alcohol, hard alcohol may be permitted on the premises.

All users must strictly comply with OLCC rules and requirements. 

Violation of this policy by any outside group or individual using the UUFCO property may result in the Minister or Administrator barring them from any future use of the building and grounds.

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Policy on Smoking

Updated: August 9, 2018


Smoking of any kind, the use of smokeless tobacco, or the use of electronic cigarettes is limited to a designated smoking area, to be on pavement, and not less than 40 feet from the building entrance, accompanied by a fire-safe, self-extinguishing receptacle for waste, unless otherwise posted. During high fire danger periods, smoking will be banned completely.

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Policy on Fragrance

Updated: August 9, 2018


UUFCO expects that our facility remains free of scented products. 

Personal care products such as cologne, perfume, aftershave, perfumed lotions and/or similar products are not to be worn in the facilities owned and operated by UUFCO.  

Use of air fresheners, incense, and scented candles are prohibited from the facilities owned and operated by UUFCO.  

We will seek to use cleaning products that are unscented.  

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Policy on Service Animal and Pets

Updated: September 13, 2018


Service animals are welcomed within UUFCO when accompanied by an individual who has disability or who indicates that the service animal provides a specific service.  

Animals in the kitchen are prohibited by Health Department regulations. 

Pets are only allowed at events where their presence is specifically designated as part of the event or service.  At the discretion of the Minister, staff members may bring pets to the administrative office area. 

Any procedures developed to implement this policy must comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). 

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Policy on Sustainability Practices

Updated: November 8, 2018


UUFCO will strive to minimize our footprint on the earth’s resources in all aspects of our use, maintenance of, and improvements to our church building and grounds. We will strive to maintain the health of our Congregation and our employees by making sustainable choices.  We will balance cost effectiveness as a subordinate consideration in our purchasing decisions. 

UUFCO will continue our commitment to maintain the Earth Advantage Platinum certification. 

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Policy on Building Use

Updated: December 12, 2019

UUFCO constructed our building to further our ministry and to affirm and promote the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism to its members and to the community of Central Oregon. 

We are pleased to make the building and grounds available to individuals and groups in the community that seek to serve and enrich human life through the arts, education, social and environmental justice, celebrations, weddings, or other activities that are compatible with our mission. 

In keeping with UU principles, no individual or group will be denied use of the building on the basis of religion, race, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference, age, or public assistance status. 

Priority for building use and scheduling decisions shall be determined by the following guidelines, in descending order of priority:
<NOTE: The Minister may choose specific priorities based on his/her judgment of the overall good of the church.>  
1. Services, programs, groups, exhibit installations and meetings of UUFCO      <all such activities are considered to be “Activities of UUFCO”> 
2. Programs and meetings of organizations with a working relationship with the Congregation 
3. Programs and meetings of organizations affiliated with Members of our Congregation 
4. All other uses 

Once a rental event is confirmed, and a contract is signed, this becomes a commitment, and “higher priority” events will not cause us to break such a commitment. 

Substantially all uses of the building must be consistent with “furthering the Mission of UUFCO”, in order to be compliant with Federal tax law and to maintain our 501c3 status. 

At the discretion of the Minister, UUFCO may reject requests for building use if the principles or activities of the requesting organization or individual are, or appear to be, inconsistent with UU principles, or are judged to be failing to further the Mission of UUFCO.  

All building users must comply with applicable Deschutes County Health Department and Oregon Liquor Control Commission rules and regulations. 

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Policy on Property Placed in the Building

Updated: December 12, 2019

Insurance for any non-UUFCO property left in the church is the responsibility of the provider of the property. UUFCO insurance for items not owned by UUFCO is very limited and shall not be used to protect valuable non-UUFCO property placed in our facility.  

Any group that wants to place an item in the building must get prior approval for use of floor space from the church administrator and must verify that they have read and understood this policy on limited UUFCO liability, if this property is not owned by UUFCO. 

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Building Use Fees

Updated: Decvember 12, 2019

Building use fees are intended to help defray costs of operation and are not intended to create a profit from rentals. Building use fees and building use policies shall be publicly posted on our Website and shall also be available upon request. 

Authority to set building use fees is delegated to the Facilities Management Committee, working with the Event Manager. The Board may ask for review of rate schedules and rationale, to verify that the strategic intent of building use fees is being met. 

The Minister is authorized to offer building use at reduced fees in unusual circumstances, but this practice shall not be mentioned as part of our publicly available policy or fee structures, as it is not intended to be a common part of our building use procedure. 

Building use fee categories shall be as follows: 

“Standard building use rates.”  (for users not in special categories below) 

Non-profit Rates” apply when the building user has a 501c3 nonprofit designation. 

 “Members Rates” apply when: 
-The building user is an individual who is an active member of the church 
-The activity or purpose of building use is for personal or immediate-family activity for this member 
-This rate is not intended for situations where members are a part of organizations that wish to use space in our building 

“Activities of UUFCO” will not pay a building use fee.  

-Major life events (weddings/funerals) of members will also not pay a fee 

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Policy on Keys

Updated: November 8, 2018

Keys will be assigned to Members and staff on an as-needed basis. To be issued a key, a Member must: 

  1. Be active in good standing, and 

  2. Be a member in a leadership position, or 

  3. Have a clear need to access the building during non-office hours 

The Administrator will maintain an inventory and control system over keys in circulation. Key cards may be disabled at the administrator’s discretion to maintain building safety. 

The UUFCO Administrator will issue keys to activity leaders (e.g., yoga instructors), outside renters and contractors on a strict as-needed basis, and will retrieve them as soon after events as practicable.   

The Safety and Security Committee will continue to advise and assist the Administrator. 

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Policy on Emergency Site Closure

Updated: December 12, 2019


Emergencies that may lead to a building closure include but are not limited to:   

  • Weather events (snow, ice, tornado, floods) 

  • Fire 

  • Earthquake 

  • Criminal or terrorist activity 

It is the responsibility of staff to attempt to alert the Minister of any emergency conditions that may warrant the closure of the building.  If the Minister is not available, staff shall attempt to alert the Board President.  These people shall determine if the conditions described warrant a sufficient emergency to close the building.  If neither the Minister or the Board President are available in a timely manner, staff onsite may make an emergency decision themselves. 

In general, if the neighboring schools have decided that they need to close, we MAY also choose to close the Church building. 

If a decision is made to close the building, the following actions must happen, unless the nature of the emergency makes some of these actions not feasible. 

1. Building doors shall be locked, and a sign posted on the front door stating the closure and the reason for the closure. 
2. A notice shall be posted on the home page of the UUFCO website describing the closure, and reasons for the closure. 
3. Local media and law enforcement shall be notified of the closure and reasons. 
4. An email shall be sent to all members notifying them of the closure and reasons. 
5. All staff must be personally notified, including all those involved in children’s programming and child care. 

The same people and process shall be used to make the decision and communications about re-opening the building after an emergency closure.

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