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Policy on Information Access

Updated: August 11, 2016


"Members" are individuals who have been admitted to the Fellowship as defined under the UUFCO Bylaws.  

 “Friends” shall be understood as non-members who have consented to sharing their personal information with lay leaders in accordance with this policy. Typically, such people will have a high current level of involvement in the life of the church, but the judgment shall be made by the participant via an opt-in process, with an opt-out option also available if a “friend” wishes to stop sharing their personal information with UUFCO lay leaders. 

“Personal information” shall be understood to include, but not be limited to: electronic or printed materials containing identifying information about those who participate in the activities of UUFCO, where “identifying information” is any combination of name, photo, address, or email where a person could be uniquely identified or contacted. Examples of places with UUFCO personal information are: Members area of the website, Directory, Church management software. 

“Financial information” shall be understood to include, but not be limited to: electronic or printed materials that describe pledges or contributions to UUFCO or affiliated groups, as well as pledge totals and annual UUFCO budgets as described in the annual meeting. 


Policy on control of and access to personal and financial information of UUFCO Members and non-Members is a responsibility of the Board. All such information is to be treated as “for personal use or for uses of the official activities of UUFCO only,” and designated as such. 

As a general rule, none of the personal or financial information about UUFCO Members or non-Members will be provided to anyone outside of UUFCO. Only the Board can override this rule should such a request for use be made. Any individual found to be abusing his or her information access privileges may have them revoked, and people who are administering sites where information is provided may temporarily reduce access if issues are discovered. 

In general, there will be greatest information access for people who are most actively involved in UUFCO, and least information access for those who are least actively a part of UUFCO.  


Non-Members have no access to personal or financial information about UUFCO Members but are limited to information maintained on UUFCO's public website or displayed in UUFCO's public areas.  

Members can see personal information on Members, church calendar, and public church business such as board minutes and church policy documents. Members may also see their own pledge and contribution information, as well as the UUFCO annual budget and pledge drive totals. 

Members who are Committee Chairs, team leads or Board members may also see personal information on all Members and Friends. Other members may be granted access to this level of access by approval of the board.  

Staff may allow Members temporary permissions to edit other’s personal information if Members are volunteering to help Staff update personal records. Such expanded permissions should be communicated by staff to the board and the minister. These Members would have only the access to financial information given them as Members. 

Staff may be granted permission to view and edit personal information of any people connected with UUFCO, as appropriate for their job responsibilities. Staff may be able to see who has pledged, and who is current with pledges, as appropriate for their job responsibilities. 

The Minister may see all personal information. The Minister may also see individual pledge and contribution records, unless an individual specifically requests that their gift or pledge NOT be viewable by the minister. The minister will be able to see who has pledged, and who is current with their pledge responsibilities. 

System Administrators of the UUFCO website and online church management system software have access for viewing and editing purposes to all personal and financial information contained within the systems that they administer. Agreements should be signed by all System Administrators to ensure ethical use of this information. 

The Stewardship Chair will have access to information whether any Member or non-Member has pledged or contributed to UUFCO, and to the aggregate of all pledges and contributions, but will not have access to information about the amount of any individual pledge or contribution.   

The Bookkeeper and the Treasurer each has a right to see and edit all Individual pledge and contribution records.  Personal information access is the same as committee chairs. 

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Policy on Use of Photographs, Video and Other Recordings

Updated: June 9, 2019

Authorized members of UUFCO may take photographs, videos, and audio recordings of adults and children participating in congregational events such as worship, social events, and social justice events. We use these images to promote our Fellowship in print, on the Web, and in social media. 

We make every effort to select images that are sensitive and tasteful, and reflect our community values; and would not knowingly post any media that would be embarrassing, objectionable, or hurtful to anyone in the photo or video. 

We ask our ministerial staff for input regarding images we wish to use if there is any uncertainty about their use. We do not identify children or youth by name and will gladly remove photos from our website or other media upon request. We reserve the right to use recordings if individuals are not recognizable, as in viewed in the far distance or from the back. 

The Church has no control over photographs, videos and other recordings made or published by individuals. Individuals need to be respectful of one another. Intrusive behavior while recording will trigger the Disruptive Behavior Policy procedures. 

UUFCO understands that some people may choose to not have their photos used and we want to respect their wishes. If you would like to OPT-OUT of the photographic policy, please complete and submit a release form.

Photographs/Videos/Audio Recordings Release Form (online, preferred)

Photographs/Videos/Audio Recordings Release Form (printable)

Those who do not fill out this form will be deemed to have given “implied consent” to allow uses of recordings made during public congregational events. Notice of this Implied consent will be: 

  • Posted on a bulletin board in a public space within UUFCO 

  • Periodically included in church newsletters, at least once per year 

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Policy on Interaction with External Media

Updated: June 9, 2019

It is policy of UUFCO to protect the identity of its congregants from the media, unless persons specifically agree to have their pictures taken or have their names identified. 

In order to provide this protection, the following procedures shall be followed: (The following does not apply to media or video recorded by authorized church staff.) 

Any person from the media seeking to conduct an interview and/or any outside organization requesting a speaker shall be directed to the Lead Minister, their designated media liaison, or in their absence, the President of the Board of Directors. UUFCO reserves the right to deny requests for interviews if it deems the publication to be unsuitable for furthering UU principles. 

Any person or group wishing to contact the media on behalf of the church must first obtain approval from the Minister, who may designate a media liaison, or in their absence, the President of the Board of Directors. 

The Minister or their designated media liaison will inform the media of the rules by which they may take video, photographs, or interview congregants which are: 

The media will be advised that they are on private property and they shall only be allowed to stay if they agree to follow the rules/procedures. 
If they are present during a worship service or other special event, they should conduct themselves in a manner that will not disrupt the service/event. 
All congregants shall be informed of media presence prior to the service/event. 
No videos or photographs, or interviews that identify a congregant shall be allowed unless specifically authorized by the subject(s). 

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Policy on Official Church Records <under construction>

Policy on Prohibited Use of Email/Internet/Social Media

Updated: June 9, 2019

Harassment of any kind is prohibited. No messages with threats of violence, harassment or discriminatory remarks about any individual’s race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes, sexual preference, or any other protected class shall be transmitted in any electronic communication through the Church’s internet connection or on Church hardware. 

Further, electronic media using Church resources may not be used for any purpose that is illegal, against church policy, or contrary to the Church’s best interests. Solicitation of non-church business, or any use of the Church email or internet for personal gain, is prohibited. 

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Policy on Copyright Infringement

Updated: June 9, 2019

UUFCO will adhere to the provisions of the United States Copyright Law and Congressional Guidelines currently in effect. Each church employee and volunteer is responsible for maintaining the highest ethical standards in the use of copyrighted materials. The church does not sanction the use of unauthorized duplicates of copyrighted works in any form. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be produced, reproduced or used on church equipment. 

Church employees and volunteers who willfully violate this policy do so at their own risk and may be held personally liable for copyright infringement. 

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Policy on Official Website Privacy Practices

Updated: June 9, 2019

UUFCO will take every reasonable precaution to protect and ensure that privacy concerns are respected and that the church remains a safe place for members and friends. Material published on the Church’s web page shall identify individuals only where appropriate and then, only with written permission. 

Written permissions will be obtained from the individuals concerned prior to publishing surnames or other personal information such as home or work addresses, email addresses, and phone / fax numbers. (see Recordings Policy for photo policy on website) 

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Policy on Computer Information Systems

Updated: June 9, 2019

Purchased software and software documentation may be copied only as specified by the vendor. No versions of any purchased software are permitted beyond the number the church has purchased. 

Personnel, members and friends of the Church may not purchase or write their own software for use in the Church without authorization. The downloading of any unauthorized software to Church-owned hardware is also not permitted. Any violation of this policy subjects the offender to immediate discharge and/or the reimbursement of all costs associated with such action. 

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