Proposals for purchases of permanent pieces of art for UUFCO are made by ART (Art Resource Team) to the board. Please fill out this form if you wish to submit a proposal.

One percent of the construction costs of our building was designated for art. "Spirit of Life," the two bronze cranes sculpted by Danae Bennett Miller, are our first major purchase.


During the design phase of the New Home Project, the Art Integration and Design Committees developed guidelines for integrating art in the the new home building and design. They were approved by the board in October 2014.

  • Art that reflects our Unitarian Universalist principles, values, and sources
  • Art that nourishes spirituality and inspires contemplation or play depending on its setting
  • One-of-a kind, well-crafted pieces
  • Work that is site-specific in terms of scale and setting
  • Work of local and Northwestern artists whenever possible
  • Consideration given to organic shapes that soften the horizontal and vertical lines of the building
  • Pieces that are enduring, require minimal maintenance, and offer no safety hazards (i.e. outdoor sculptures and rocks)