We welcome you and your family to our religious exploration program for children and youth. We aim to provide our young people with experiences that will help them journey through life with integrity, compassion, hope, and wonder. We accomplish this through:

  • exploring the wisdom of many spiritual traditions

  • asking questions in an open-minded community

  • caring for one another

  • offering opportunities for creative expression of spiritual ideas

  • understanding that we are each on a life-long path of personal discovery and spiritual growth, of human "becoming"

Our mission is to provide children a foundation based on Unitarian Universalist principles and a community dedicated to providing an environment in which spiritual awareness, tolerance, acceptance, and personal growth are nurtured and developed according to each child’s unique nature. We hope you and your children will join us on our journey.

Religious Exploration
For Children & Youth

Click here to find out more about our Religious Exploration programs for children (Kindergarten through 5th grade) and youth (6th grade and older).

children’s covenant

In this place, I am kind.
In this place, I am loving.
In this place, I am a friend to the earth
and all animals and people.
In this place, I am loved.

children are welcome to enjoy our play area before or after the service.

children are welcome to enjoy our play area before or after the service.

flags mark the sophia fahs commons in the religious exploration area. the information table is just outside this space.

flags mark the sophia fahs commons in the religious exploration area. the information table is just outside this space.

beatrix potter childcare space

beatrix potter childcare space

Time for all ages

Time for all ages

Singing the Children out to their classes

Singing the Children out to their classes