Sundays at UUFCO
“Love is the spirit of this fellowship
and service is its law.
This is our covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek truth in love,
and to help one another.”
Sunday worship services are the heart of our UUFCO congregational experience. They bring our all-ages community together for fellowship, spiritual nourishment, exploration, and renewal and are the first step on the path to involvement and membership. We welcome all who walk through our doors on Sunday morning.
Religious Exploration classes begin on the third Sunday in September and end mid-June.
10 a.m.: Everyone begins in the Sanctuary.
10:20 a.m.-11:15 a.m.: After the Time for All Ages, teachers and children from one-year-olds through sixth grade depart to their classrooms. Youth in grade seven through twelve attend the service and then connect in RE spaces during Coffee Hour.
11:15 a.m.: Service ends and adults are invited to pick up their children and enjoy Community Hour — coffee, tea and conversation — together in the Pete Seeger Gathering Hall.
Newcomers are greeted warmly and invited to make a name tag, pick up informational brochures, and sign up to receive communications. New families with children are introduced to our Director of Religious Exploration, who shares information about our children’s programs and offers a tour of our welcoming RE classrooms.
Volunteers are available in the Gathering Hall to answer questions about our congregation, Unitarian Universalism, and upcoming activities. After a social time, a chime is our signal to move through the great doors and into the more contemplative atmosphere of our Sanctuary for the morning service.
Our Services
Our services begin with the ringing of our temple bell following music for gathering. Services weave together words, music, and silence, combining familiar rituals and informal moments inspiring us to pursue our spiritual journey and challenging us to live out our UU principles. Most services have elements in common—short readings, hymns and songs, chalice lighting and extinguishing, reciting of our covenant, sharing of joys and sorrows, a time of meditation, a sermon or talk, and an offering. All children are included in the first part of the service; in the summer months during our 10 a.m. service, the congregation sings our children to their classrooms after the Time for All Ages. Childcare for children 3 and younger is provided during the 10 a.m. services.
Our Minister preaches three times a month from September through June and occasionally throughout the summer. Other services are lay-led or feature guest speakers. On Sundays when the minister is not preaching, and especially during the summer months, we use a variety of alternative formats including panels, guest presentations, and programs featuring music and the arts. Sermons and presentations offer inspiration and spiritual nourishment, intellectual challenge, inter-generational connections, and exploration of the living traditions of Unitarian Universalism. We have several all-ages services during the year where all ages share in the service together. Highlights of the church year include the Ingathering Service and Water Communion in the fall, Solstice and Christmas Eve services in winter, and Easter Sunday and Flower Communion in the spring.
Music is a moving and inspirational part of our worship services. Our choir, led by our Music Director, is a dedicated group of singers who rehearse weekly and perform twice a month at both services, with a break in July and August. There is special music on many other Sundays, provided by instrumentalists, small ensembles, soloists, or our house band, which performs less traditional music.
Community Hour
Our Community Hour, from 11:15 a.m. to noon (during summer schedule), is a time for connecting, deepening relationships, and learning about the many possibilities for engagement and participation at UUFCO and beyond. Visitors, friends, members, and children gather in the Pete Seeger Gathering Hall for coffee and social time — greeting newcomers, sharing in informal conversations, and checking out our information kiosk to find out what’s going on at UUFCO.
Religious Exploration (RE) for Children and Youth
During the summer months, we provide religious exploration classes for children and youth are during the service from about 10:20 a.m. (after children leave the Sanctuary) to 11:15 a.m. We offer childcare for children 3 and younger and age-appropriate experiences in classrooms for elementary (age 4-10) and middle school. There are two teachers in each classroom.
After the Services
People are welcome to linger after the second service and to participate in informal discussion in the Linus Pauling Room, where they can also enjoy the current art exhibit. Children are welcome to join others in the play area. All are encouraged to explore our trails and walk the labyrinth. Look for the trail marker sign below the terrace to find your way.