UUFCO Relational Covenant
Our Relational Covenant is the commitment we make to one another. It expresses our promise for how we want to be in relationship with each other, so we can nurture and sustain loving community within our congregation and in the larger world. These promises are the very heart of our faith tradition, right along with the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. The spiritual energy of this faith community is fueled by the way we approach, connect with, respect and treat each other. It is about loving relationships that strive to honor the integrity of each person.
Adopted May 2013
(Numbered Principles are drawn from the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.)
Love is the spirit of this fellowship
We resolve to offer care to one another in our times of joys and sorrows.
We resolve to treat others respectfully and to be treated as we would want others to treat us.
We resolve to celebrate diversity in its many forms.
And service is its law
We resolve to practice compassion and shared ministry for each individual at UUFCO and also in the larger community beyond our walls.
We resolve to have the courage to face and correct injustice wherever it may occur.
We resolve to live our values as we work for liberty and social justice for all. (Principle 6)
This is our covenant
We resolve to be mindful that this covenant binds us together as a beloved community as we respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person. (Principle 1)
To dwell together in peace
We resolve to practice peace in our hearts as well as in the world.
We resolve to sustain our Fellowship as a safe, sacred space for all who come here in a shared faith of liberal religion.
We resolve to work out conflicts respectfully in a fair and clear conflict resolution process.
We resolve to support the right of conscience and use of the democratic process within our congregation and in society at large. (Principle 5)
To seek the truth in love
We resolve to support one another in both our individual and collective free and responsible search for truth and meaning. (Principle 4)
We resolve to nurture the ethical, intellectual, and spiritual lives of all ages.
To help one another
We resolve to help one another to live our evolving values with open hearts and minds.
We resolve to honor the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. (Principle 7)