Our Mission The mission of the monthly GCC is to support local 501c3 organizations whose missions align with all 7 Principles of the UUA. The needs of our greater community are omnipresent and we carefully choose programs that meet these needs. Connecting UUFCO with local nonprofits’ through the offering and education of these principles is primary. We encourage local volunteering for anyone interested in contributing!

Our Work We locate excellent relevant and non-discriminatory non-profits. Our members are the avenue by which GCC nominations are received.  Members are  encouraged to submit a potential and qualified GCC recipient by using the Greater Community Collection Nomination Form.

Our History and Impact: The first collection was for Habitat for Humanity in October 2006.  Each year, GCC supports 10 non-profits, including the December for Bethlehem Inn.

UU Principles

  1. Inherent worth and dignity of every person

  2. Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations

  3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth

  4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

  5. The right of conscience and use of the democratic process

  6. The goal of world community peace, liberty, and justice for all

  7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence


Our Greater Community Collection takes place on the first Sunday each month and the selected non-profit is offered 4 minutes to address the congregation. We accept donations throughout the month and mail a check with the total proceeds in the last week of the month.

To nominate an organization fill out the
Greater Community Collection Nomination Form

Email our GCC Team.

Eligibility criteria for selecting recipient organizations:

  • Bona fide non-profit organization

  • Non-discriminatory provision of service

  • Aligns with one or more of the 7 UU Principles

  • Download the complete GCC Selection Criteria

Other considerations:

  • Relative importance or impact of $1,000 - $1,500 to the agency/program/service

  • Nominations by a member of the fellowship

  • Local representative that can provide on-site information about program(s).

  • Alignment with monthly worship theme

  • Alignment with a topical issue or awareness effort

  • Relative importance of need/issue being addressed

  • No more than 1 collection per year for an organization

  • Evidence or indication of organization/program effectiveness