April 7, 2017

The Ministerial Search Committee is excited to introduce Rev. Scott Rudolph as our candidate for UUFCO's settled minister position. 

Rev. Scott is completing his sixth year as a settled minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of North Hills, Pennsylvania. He will be in Bend for Candidating Week, April 30 to May 7, and will give sermons both Sundays. Members will vote to call Rev. Scott after the service on May 7.  

Rev. Scott's
Ministerial Search Website

Search Committee's
Announcement to the Congregation

Letter from our Candidate

April 14, 2017

Dear Good People of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon,

After a long and winding road for your Ministerial Search Committee and for me, I am so excited that we have arrived at the same place! The invitation to be your candidate for settled ministry thrills me to my core. It has been a joy getting to know the congregation from your search materials, through conversation with the search committee and others who have served the church, and then by visiting Bend in March.

I am currently in my sixth year of ministry serving the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rebecca and I have two children, Simon, (7), and Tessa Jane (5) along with a dog named Hobbuddy and a cat named Ninja. We are quite in love with all we have learned about the congregation and the area of Bend. We are nature lovers at heart and the idea of soaking our own souls in the outdoors and raising our children in this environment is remarkable. I hope you will have a chance to view my ministerial search website  before I arrive for our candidating week together on April 30 - May 7. 

Given all that this fellowship has accomplished in your past and how healthy and vibrant you are right now, the future of the congregation is full of possibility. The kindness and dedication of the members and friends comes through clearly. You have a history of strong lay leadership and involvement. Challenges have arisen through the years and the people have engaged them together. The congregation is moving out into the community to work for justice. Spiritual and personal growth are central to your shared time. You are a caring community of people who live life deeply. You have dreamed big and then realized these hopes with your building and your solid community life. All of these congregational qualities call to me deeply. Now the next chapter awaits.

From the beginning, the people and story of UUFCO captured my imagination and never let go. My hope is to bring my skills and talents into this community to help the congregation continue its good work as we envision together what could be next. I look forward to meeting you soon and hearing more about your experiences at UUFCO. Should the congregation choose to call me as your next settled minister, I would be honored to contribute my energies to UUFCO’s mission of seeking meaning, celebrating life, and serving the spirit of love and justice in our world.

With Joy,

Rev. Scott Rudolph