Guiding Documents
Our Governing Documents
This resource is intended as the way that we share our guiding policies with our community and as the official record of these governing documents.
The governing documents shown on this website supersede any previous manual and/or written or unwritten policies or governing documents. Click on each header to access these documents.
Mission Statement: Together, we find meaning, celebrate life, and serve the spirit of love and justice in our world.
Philosophy of Ministry: At UUFCO the ministry will be led by a settled Minister in a guiding role, in order to establish a cohesive and coordinated spiritual program. There has been a long and vital history involving significant contributions from lay members. We intend this to continue, under the Minister’s leadership.
The full range of ministerial activities, including all programs and projects designed to accomplish our mission, will be the shared responsibility of the Minister, the Fellowship, and Board of Trustees.
Philosophy of Governance: The congregation elects a Board to function as its governing body and calls a Minister to serve as its spiritual, programmatic, and administrative leader. The intended style of leadership shall be consultative, collegial and inclusive. The Board will delegate authority to leadership in proportion to their responsibilities. As much as possible, the Board will delegate management decision-making and devote its own attention to discernment, strategy and oversight. We expect all leaders to practice open decision-making, healthy conflict management, and mutual support in their respective roles. We welcome the process of evaluation and assessment as a means to discover how we can learn and grow together. -
“Love is the spirit of this fellowship, and service is its law. This is our covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.”
Our Policies
The UUFCO Board Policy Book was initially approved in March 2017. Policies and other governing documents are now all found on our website, rather than in a single, separate document, per Board approval in June 2022.
The policies on this website supersede previous versions of the policy book, as well as any other previous written or unwritten policies of UUFCO.
Policies discussed are general statements of direction and purpose that allow users to exercise good judgment in the daily operation of the church, relate to each other with care, and promote the efficient use of resources in the congregation. They are not meant to be restrictive, but to offer parameters within which we may organize and develop our common life. Policies reflect our understanding that we are a faith community grounded in a covenantal relationship.
To access a particular policy, click the plus sign (+) to expand the menu.
Then click on the icon to read the policies.
Policy on Policies
Delegation of Administrative Authority
Fellowship Committees: Establishment, Authority and Operation
Activities of UUFCO
Activities of UUFCO with Revenue or Payments for Services of Leaders
Board Committee Structure and Operation
Conflict of Interest
Board Executive Sessions
Political Activity
Rules Governing Board Meetings and Procedures
Rules Governing Fellowship Meetings
Leadership Development Committee Governing Policy
Description text goes here
Income, Expenditures and Related Fiscal Maters
Designated Funds
Use of Building Funds
Endowment Committee Policy and Procedures
Non-Monetary Gifts
Review of Insurance
Information Access
Use of Photographs, Video and Other Recordings
Interaction with External Media
Official Church Records
Prohibited Use of Email/Internet/Social Media
Copyright Infringement
Official Website Privacy Practices
Computer Information Systems